The new Y-Zone brings together SeAMK’s entrepreneurship promotion activities |

The new Y-Zone brings together SeAMK's entrepreneurship promotion activities

category: General
Mies ja kaksi naista istuvat hymyillen sohvalla auringon paistaessa ikkunan läpi.
SeAMKin opiskelijat perehtyvät yrittäjyyteen opintojensa aikana monella tavalla, jotka nyt yhdistyvät Y-Zonessa.

Southern Ostrobothnia is known for its entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is also SeAMK’s strategy and the cornerstone of its values, which can be built on entrepreneurship education, research and the successful promotion of entrepreneurship.

All of SeAMK’s entrepreneurship activities now have their own hub, which is both a web portal and a multi-purpose space. Celebrating its inauguration on Tuesday 29 September, SeAMK Y-Zone brings together all the events and concepts related to SeAMK’s entrepreneurship. Also our partners Into Seinäjoki, Uusyrityskeskus Neuvoa Antava, the Southern Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce and the Southern Ostrobothnia Entrepreneurs join us in Y-Zone to make it more effective.

“Y-Zone represents the core of SeAMK’s strategy. According to the vision and values, our foundation is the entrepreneurial spirit of the entire SeAMK community. We strive to ensure that everyone who graduates from us is entrepreneurial and that those who graduate from us also have the capacity to become entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial activity is above all a way of thinking and acting in any job, and especially no ability can be valued by any employer when making recruitments, “says Vice Principle Elina Varamäki about the starting points behind Y-Zone.

In a prominent and central location on campus Y-Zone is a home base for Y-Zone Business Hub, SeAMK Cooperative, student entrepreneurship organization SeiES ry and business coaching. Y-Zone has workspaces for three entrepreneurship lecturer, and hosts entrepreneurship visitors, short trainings and events.

Y-Zone’s web portal can be found at:

More information:

Elina Varamäki
vice president

Petra Sippola
lecturer, entrepreneurship

Y-Zone introduction video (with Finnish subtitles):

Pictures of Y-Zone:

SeAMK Y-Zonen tiloja.
SeAMK Y-Zonen tiloja.
SeAMK Y-Zonen tiloja.
SeAMK Y-Zonen tiloja.
SeAMK Y-Zonen tiloja.
SeAMK Y-Zonen tiloja.
SeAMK Y-Zonen tiloja.