Academic Information for Students
This page includes academic information for the international degree and exchange students of SeAMK. On this page you will find information about the Academic Calendar, Study Guide, International Activities, and so on.
You can find some information about living in the City of Seinäjoki and the support services available for international students on the page Practical Information for Students.
Welcome to Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences!
For Degree Students
Academic Year 2023–2024
The timetables for the first classes in each semester and in each programme will be informed to all students before the semester begins.
Dates when tuition is not provided (autumn semester 2023 and spring semester 2024)
6 December 2023 (Independence day)
29 March to 1 April 2024 (Easter)
1 May 2024 (Labour Day)
9 May 2024 (Ascension Day)
Student Services
Student Services offers services related to academic and social issues.
The Student Services of SeAMK handles issues regarding student applications, selection, financial aid, student study rights and studying in general, as well as counselling and consultation pertaining to student affairs.
You need to pay a fee for some of the services see Student service rates.
Contact Information

Study Guide
In the Study Guide, you can find the curricula of all degree programmes with detailed descriptions of the courses. Additionally, the Study Guide contains general information about Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and some useful general information for the students.
Study Counselling
The overall purpose of study counselling is to support students with achieving the general goals of their studies. For example, consultation and advice can be provided in choosing a suitable professional direction and career planning, assistance in recognition of prior learning, as well as assistance throughout the progression of studies and problem solving advice regarding any difficulties during the studies.
Study counselling is based on the SeAMK student counselling guidelines, SeAMK accessibility guidelines and SeAMK guidelines for recognition of prior learning. Each faculty of SeAMK is responsible for executing study counselling according to the guidelines of the faculty.
A student has a right to counselling services throughout his/her study period. Counselling and consultation is provided in all stages of students’ education, as group consultation and individually, based on individual needs. Counselling is provided pertaining to studies and practical training as well as personal study planning. The student is responsible for participating in the counselling as needed. Being active and having a desire to receive counselling are crucial factors in student counselling.
Finnish Language
In Finland, Finnish language is very important both in everyday life and in working life. With language skills you get more out of your friendships, working life and living as a member of the society. And you experience more.
Finnish language courses in SeAMK
In SeAMK, the degree students in the programmes in English are offered four Finnish language courses. Course descriptions (in short):
Finnish 1-4
You will be able to talk about yourself and your everyday life in Finnish. You will be able to run errands for e.g. in a shop, restaurant and the health care center using some Finnish. You will also express yourself in basic working life situations. Additionally, you will also familiarize yourself with Finland as a country and the Finnish way of living.
Finnish language courses offered by other institutions
SeAMK encourages all students to study the Finnish language in their own time, by searching for online study methods and by using the course offerings of the local institutions such as the Finnish for Foreigners courses at Seinäjoki Upper Secondary School, the FinTandem method, and by taking Finnish language courses at the Seinäjoki Adult Education Centre, and so on.
Learning Finnish online
You can find many good Internet sites for Finnish language training, such as
- Uuno
(basics of Finnish, Seinäjoki UAS was one of the institutions who developed these materials) - Easy Finnish
(basics of Finnish) - Tavataan taas!
(basics of Finnish) - Suomea, ole hyvä!
(basics of Finnish) - Suomioppi
(learn Finnish in the Seinäjoki city library) - Arkipäivän suomea
(advanced level, including video clips) - Supisuomea
(advanced level) - Keskellä Suomea
(advanced level) - Digital Dialects
(learning Finnish with the help of games) - Luki-Luukas
(originally created for Finnish children with reading disabilities, materials are also very suitable for Finnish language learners) - Nettiristikot/Helpot sanaristikot
(easy crossword puzzles in Finnish) - Ymmärrä suomea!
(understanding reading comprehension) - Goethe-tests
(vocabulary tests) - Verbix
(verb conjugation machine, English as assisting language) - Promentor Internet Language Courses
(both basics: ”From Start to Finnish” and advanced level: ”Finnish on Three Levels”, these courses are chargeable but not too expensive, also language level testing available)
- Uuno
Open University of Applied Sciences
Complete courses of Bachelor degree or Master degree programmes regardless of your educational background and age. Open University of Applied Sciences gives you a chance to improve your professional competencies.
Study Mobility and Practical Training Abroad
Every SeAMK student has an opportunity to do a part of his/her studies or practical training abroad. Mobility period can be a short intensive course abroad (1-2 weeks) or longer study mobility or practical training abroad (2-12 months). Mobilities are supported by different grants. More information: SeAMK International Education Services Team
Each year approximately 100 students attending SeAMK study abroad or do their internship abroad. Annually more than 150 students also go abroad for shorter periods, e.g. for intensive courses.
SeAMK has approximately 250 incoming exchange students and trainees yearly for one or two semesters and approximately 150 incoming students in shorter exchange periods, such as intensive courses. Students come from Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and the United States.
For Exchange Students
The start and end date of each exchange programme can be found on each exchange programme site.
Thr programme starts with orientation and the programme dates also include all exam periods. The exchange student semester ends with a semester closing ceremony, where the students receive a Letter of Confirmation of their stay. Transcripts of Records are sent to exchange students one month after the end of each semester.
The details for each course are available in the Study Guide linked under each exchange program site or links above. General information on the ECTS grading system and Diploma Supplement can also be accessed through the Study Guide. All SeAMK exchange programs are conducted in English, and students are advised to possess a B2 level of English proficiency.
As part of the exchange experience, students can enroll in a specially tailored Finnish Language and Culture course. This course aims to equip students with basic survival Finnish, enabling them to communicate effectively in settings such as shops and restaurants. Additionally, participants will gain insights into Finnish culture and the local way of life.
For accessibility needs at SeAMK, exchange students requiring support during their studies should contact their international office before the exchange period. Further assistance can be obtained by reaching out to the coordinator of SeAMK International Mobility Services. Comprehensive information is available in the study guide, and additional details can be found in this document here (pdf).