SeAMK’s experts in Growth Entrepreneurship and Business Transfers
SeAMK’s experienced and multidisciplinary research group of growth entrepreneurship and business transfers has 18 members of whom seven are post doc researchers. Publications of the key researchers can be found by clicking the name.
Dr. Elina Varamäki, Vice President of SeAMK, growth entrepreneurship, business transfers, entrepreneurship intentions
Dr. Anmari Viljamaa, Principal Lecturer, growth entrepreneurship, business transfers, hybrid entrepreneurship
Dr. Sanna Joensuu-Salo, Principle Lecturer, growth entrepreneurship, market orientation, entrepreneurial intentions, business transfers
Dr. Kirsti Sorama, Principle Lecturer, growth entrepreneurship, business transfers, foresight
Dr. Marko Matalamäki, RDI Expert, growth entrepreneurship, strategic management
Dr. Anne-Maria Aho, Head of Master Degree Programmes, knowledge development, strategic management, commercialization of services
Dr. Petra Sippola, Lecturer, entrepreneurship, business development, sports entrepreneurship, financial law
Salla Kettunen, RDI Expert, business transfers, female entrepreneurship, growth entrepreneurship
Emilia Kangas (Ph.D Student), RDI Expert, female entrepreneurship, gender equality, leadership
Jutta Mäkipelkola (Ph.D Student), RDI Expert, entrepreneurship, business development and capabilities
Erkki Kytönen, Principal Lecturer, corporate finance, investment, corporate taxation
Henri Teittinen, Principal Lecturer, accounting, control systems, information systems
Pauliina Talvitie, Research and Development Manager
Hannu Tuuri, Lecturer, market research and statistics
Marja Katajavirta, RDI Expert, market research
Jenny Janhunen, Senior Lecturer, tourism entrepreneurship, product development, stakeholder engagement
Elina Järvinen, RDI Expert, tourism entrepreneurship
Sanna Jyllilä, RDI Expert, tourism entrepreneurship, Green Care
By clicking the names, you can find the list of publications by the key experts.